Back from vacation, ready to start a new year?

Holidays are meant for us to rest but you may find that most of the time we don’t. That is the time that we get to do all those things that we usually don’t get time to do during the year. Traveling, visiting places, relatives and friends. By the time the holiday is over, we are so exhausted and haven’t even rested. We even feel that we need a vacation from the vacation.

Do not regret traveling or doing the things you have never had time to do throughout the year over the holidays. Rather be grateful that finally you found time to do them and now take a slow pace and allow yourself to rest.

Before the festive holiday, I couldn’t wait for the festival to come so that I could rest but during come festive, I never rested. Whilst I had my nieces over for the holiday, trying to spend as much time as I could with them I also found myself volunteering at a mental health institution.

I do not regret having my nieces for the holidays, and neither do I regret volunteering. I actually appreciate that I had the opportunity to spend time with them and volunteer as well. But ultimately, I never rested!

So what do you do when the holidays are over but now you feel even more tired than you were before the holidays?

How to regain your juices after a vacation

You need to rest, your body needs it! Resting is not wasting time. It is actually a greater and more important part of taking care of your health. Therefore allow yourself time to rest, or otherwise, you will have burnout.

After the festive, I am going to take a couple of days, a week maybe, to just lay back and relax. I find it hard to concentrate or get motivated when my mind is tired. I have also written below a couple of steps that I follow after a vacation and hope can assist you to regain your energy also.

1. Return home 2-3 days before work

When you book for your holiday, ensure that you return home 2-3 days before you start work again. Even though you may want to maximize your vacation but desist from the habit of booking your vacation up until the last day before work! You will dread waking up for work if you do that because you will be exhausted.

Don’t forget to bring back with you some souvenirs. For me, that’s one great part of traveling, (the collectibles I can bring home with me). It doesn’t have to be something big but trust me, it will remind you of how pleasurable your holiday was.

2. Reflect on your purpose

When you feel that you have rested enough, actually your body will communicate with you, and start reflecting on your purpose. This will surely start pumping your blood as you reflect on what you will be doing this year to fulfill your purpose.

Do not go back to work with your old set of eyes, you will feel like you are working during year-end again. Bring back a new set of eyes, and new ways of addressing problems and doing things. That’s the whole purpose of a vacation anyway, to refresh our minds and come back with new energies.

3. Set targets

When you are working for someone, they may set the targets for you but when you are working for yourself, it’s easy to slip off a bit, so, remember to set your targets for the year. Something you can hold yourself accountable for throughout the year.

4. Get on your feet and get to work

This is the dreaded return, that moment when you try to switch your mind from relaxation mode to working mode. Do not start by drowning yourself in all the work that you left undone before the holidays, a full work mode will overwhelm, drain and demotivate you quickly.

Start on a lighter note, by doing just small bits, and in no time you will regain your momentum and groove back.

I would love to hear from you on how you get back in the groove after vacation so please, leave a comment for me below, and if you found this helpful kindly subscribe to the site and share it with others. 

If you need to speak to a professional counsellor, don’t forget to get in touch with Psyche and Beyond.



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