It’s a Birthday, We are Celebrating!

Happy 1st Birthday to the Our Blog – Celebrating One Wonderful Year of Mental Health, Motivation, and Self-development!

One year ago, TNR Blog was born.

I think I’m overly excited about today, you’ll have to forgive me, as this has been a big year for me, and creating TNR Blog has been one of the best things I’ve ever done. Through this blog, I’ve rekindled my passion.

So today, I wanted to take a moment to reflect back on the last year and give readers some transparent, real-life insight into my experience. Why did I start? What happened? And where is this site headed? I feel that I owe you that much. Because this journey is not about me but “us”.

Why I started the Blog

When I formed the TNR blog I had been undergoing a number of positive life changes and wanted to share what I was learning with others for their self-development and improvement. I realized that not everyone is privileged enough to afford a life coach or mentor. So I decided to freely write articles that can help people with self-development and improvement. I wanted TNR Blog to be a home that promotes mental health, motivation, and self-development for the readers. I wanted the TNR Blog to be the voice that helps people develop their character and abilities. Guess what? I still want that!

I posted my first-ever post on 8 April 2019.   It’s not perfect. It didn’t have any images, I didn’t even know how that was done. It didn’t have links to other relevant content but it was a start. And that’s all I needed at the time.

I had never blogged before and didn’t know what I was getting into. With no intention of making money through blogging, I just wanted to live my passion. I started writing but never advertised my blog. Surprisingly enough once in a while, I got feedback from readers, I was even surprised that somebody was reading my posts. I still was not motivated to advertise the blog but promised myself that I would do this for a year and if I still felt the same after one year then I would start advertising the blog and sharing my link. The truth is I was scared that I would give people hope and expectation and then fail to meet up their expectations.

However, here we are, one year down the line and I am still as passionate as I was that very first time, if not more now. In this one year, I achieved certain things and I owe it to you readers to share those milestones.

What I’ve Learned in My First Year

To say that last year has been a whirlwind is nothing short of an understatement. The goal I set for my first year even makes me laugh right now. I just wanted to write and inspire someone. I learned that blogging requires time and commitment and research. More than just writing, it requires more focus to be placed on the readers and meeting their needs and requirements.

Through my research, I also learned that there was more that could be done with this blog. My major lesson was that the blog could help make a huge difference in people’s lives, not only through motivation but assistance with their other needs.

TNR Blog is far from some traffic and income powerhouse, I’ve learned what is possible and I’m going to run after it.

Major Milestones

I wish I had so many milestones to write about, like how I have reached 10 000 readers or so forth but I only have two, however, I am grateful and they mean a lot to me.

Milestone one: I am still writing

One year has elapsed and I AM STILL PASSIONATE ABOUT WRITING! This was my worst nightmare and fear. That may be after a year of blogging, I would feel differently about writing but guess what, I am now even more passionate about writing than when I started.

Milestone two: I have managed to turn the blog into something more than what I initially had in mind.

When I started the blog, it was just about motivating and inspiring people. Right now, I have managed to turn the blog into an oasis of hope for those who seek help. I managed to create an, “I need a friend” forum where people can ask for help and others can donate for that cause. Believe me, this is making a difference in people’s lives.

My big THANK YOU to you all!

It couldn’t have been done without you. I could write until my fingers turned raw, but if you weren’t there to read my posts, to give me feedback, to encourage me, it would all have been in vain.

So thank you, readers. This has been a wonderful year for me, and I owe that to you.

This would never have been possible without your support! And on this special occasion, I would like to thank all my blog readers and subscribers, family members, friends, mentors, and followers on social media. YOU are my inspiration!

To all the readers and donors at the TNR Blog, your support means the world to me and the team. We appreciate you so much and are committed to bringing you more great content in the next year. Please join me in a virtual toast to our second year! Now that’s worth yelling, YASSSSS!

Journey to the future

If you haven’t already told your friends about the TNR Blog, please do!

My first year of blogging was all about testing the waters, to see whether I would be able to keep at it or give up and with that out of the way, I will now set great milestones for this blogging journey.

I will commit to at least 1 blog a week in my second year and focus much on improving my posts and readership. If money comes along, well it will be appreciated but firstly, my main intention is to make a difference.

When I began blogging, I just wanted to have a blog. Now I passionately want to make a difference and turn this blog into an oasis of hope and love for all who take time to pass through it. I want to get better and bigger and really make this into something that can make a difference in people’s lives.

If together we manage to help even one person along the way then this blog would have been worth it.

What was your favorite post from the TNR Blog in its initial year of operating? What would you like to see here in the future?

I would love to hear from you so please, leave a comment for me below, and don’t forget to subscribe and share it with others. 


If you need to speak to a professional counsellor, don’t forget to get in touch with Psyche and Beyond.



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