Days are not created equal

Sugar is good but so is salt. If we only have sweet without bitterness, we will not appreciate it. Bitter is what makes sweet taste good. The same applies to people’s days, they are never the same. Some days are extremely good that you do not even know what to do with yourself. Others are extremely worse and you will wish you were never born.

The wisdom of maturity is in the knowledge that we need to accept the bad days as much as we welcome the good ones. Embracing ourselves for the two ends of the spectrum is the art of living.

Do not worry too much about bad days, one thing is for sure, they will not last forever. Sometimes you are going to drag yourself out of bed but some days you are going to jump out before your alarm goes off. There are times when you are going to scratch your head trying hard to come up with solutions or answers, but sometimes the answers and solutions are going to come right to you without you putting in your effort.

Therefore try and embrace each day as it comes. There is a time for joy as there is a time for sorrow. Embrace every situation as it comes. Try and dance in the rain, knowing that surely after the storm you will live to see the sunshine. If you fail to pull through the storm, then your suffering would have been in vain.

I do not know what it is that you are going through but I want to remind you that days are not created equal. Some will end quickly whilst some will drag on forever. You will wake up pumped up on others but on others, you will feel like your heart is sinking with each and every breath.

There are days when you shall have abundance and others when you shall scarcely have anything. Sit still and embrace each one as it comes. Through everything, you are still alive, there is a tomorrow and therefore, there is hope.

Days are not created equal but that’s okay.

I would love to hear from you on how you cope when you are feeling under the weather so please, leave a comment for me below, and if you found this helpful, kindly subscribe to the site and share it with others. 

If you need to speak to a professional counsellor, don’t forget to get in touch with Psyche and Beyond.



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