Take a walk

A good walk can clear your head, push you into discomfort, and help you appreciate the majesty of life in a way that you rarely do while at home.

Benefits of taking a walk

1. It calms you down

Ever been in a heated argument with someone and you just feel like you are on the edge and you can’t trust yourself anymore with what you are going to do next? Then you will understand what I am talking about. Walking eases the pressure on your nerves and helps you calm down.

It is one of the fastest and most effective ways to calm down. Walking can help reduce stress levels by improving circulation, which, in turn, provides nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It also stimulates the nervous system receptors and decreases the production of stress hormones. Breathing in and out while walking also helps to breathe out the tension.

2. Improves your mood

If you sure want to know how to increase your stress levels, stay indoors. Be coaxed onto your couch or bed on a bad day and you will surely feel the weight of all the world’s problems on your shoulders. Taking a walk can improve your mood and make you feel happy. Fresh air can make you feel better on a bad day.

3. Helps in getting your creative juices up

If you feel stuck in your creativity or maybe you can’t seem to come up with a solution, try walking. Walking improves your thinking, you are able to think strategically with no confinements when you are walking. Because walking clears your head.

4. Keeps you healthy

Walking is exercise and exercise keeps you healthy. Walking is like a drug that comes affordable and with no side effects.

5. It serves you money

No gym membership is required. Or home exercise equipment. Or doctors’ visits.

6. Helps you find opportunities

As I was reading one of my favorite author’s books, he mentioned that he found opportunities to buy properties whilst he was walking so next time you are not walking, remember, you are missing out on a possible opportunity.

7. Helps you sleep well

Regular walkers have longer and better quality sleep.

8. It keeps your body in shape

Toned legs and waists etc. Walking can strengthen the muscles in your legs.

Your bones tend to become weaker as you age. But the good news is you can strengthen your bones by walking regularly. Since bones determine our framework, stronger and healthier bones help to improve posture, stamina, and balance.

Like bones, you can also experience loss of muscles as you age. Here too, walking can help you by strengthening and toning your muscles and preventing muscle loss. Regular walking can strengthen your leg and back muscles.

9. Helps you make new friends

You cannot meet new people cuddled up in your apartment. Walking can help you build social support and make new friends who will encourage you to walk every day. You will look forward to meeting them. Also, you can walk to support a social cause.

I would love to hear from you if walking has benefited you so please, leave a comment for me below and if you have found this useful, kindly subscribe to the site and share it with others. 

If you need to speak to a professional counsellor, don’t forget to get in touch with Psyche and Beyond.

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Email: psycheandbeyond@gmail.com / info@psycheandbeyond.org

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