Good communication skills are a game changer

When we talk about communication skills most minds rush to think of verbal communication. However, communication skills encompass many facets such as the ones given below. Communication skills are important anywhere where we may meet and interact with other people and good communication skills can help you interact well with others.

Modes of Communication

  1. Verbal – your voice
  2. Visual – delivered via charts, maps, images, and graphs, etc.
  3. Non-verbal – e.g. body language, eye contact, gestures
  4. Written – delivered and received through printed or digital media such as letters, e-mails, books, magazines, and the internet.

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is all about what we say, which is an important way of getting our message across. The words that we choose can make a big difference whether other people understand us or not. Mispronunciations, insufficient language skills, or struggling with diction can greatly hamper a person’s ability to get their message across.

Non-verbal Communication

Using our voice is only the tip of the iceberg. We actually communicate far more information using non-verbal communication. This includes signals, gestures, facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and even our appearance. These can serve to either reinforce or undermine the message of our spoken words.

Body language needs to be in line with the verbal content. When used effectively, facial expressions, gestures, and posture can greatly improve the listener’s understanding of the verbal information being presented. It can also add interest, and help to maintain the listener’s concentration.

For example, eye contact between speaker and listener is important. If a speaker actively seeks out eye contact when talking, he or she is judged to be more believable, confident, and competent. Too much eye contact can make the listener feel uncomfortable, or think the speaker is rude, hostile, and condescending. Too little eye contact can make the listener think that the speaker is uneasy, unsure, or insincere. Similarly, a particular look with the eyes can articulate far more than any words can. Therefore it needs to be moderate.

Your body posture, hand gestures and eye contact all express a meaning, often saying much more than the words you speak. Nonverbal communication is important for written communication as well as face-to-face. If you can convey a friendly tone in an email, for example, your co-workers will be more likely to engage with you and what you have to say.


Listening is also a vital communication skill. Communication is a two-way process and listening is an essential part of it. When we communicate, we must spend the better part of our time listening effectively.

Presentation Skills

There are many instances when we need to utilize presentation skills. Whether it is a job or business you own, , you may need to present your ideas to others. You need to be able to get your points across to the audience. Present your ideas appropriately.

Writing Skills

You need to be able to write clearly and concisely. Sometimes you do not have the opportunity to meet face to face with people and you may need to communicate in writing. In this case, people are not able to see your gestures or body language but still, you need to be able to get your ideas across therefore the ability to write clearly and effectively is important.  In this age, writing is used on blogs, websites, CVs, and other advertising platforms therefore it is crucial that you master this skill.

The Importance of good communication skills

Good communication skills can improve the way that you operate through life, smoothing your way in your relationships with others, be it in your personal capacity or in business. Relationships are built or destroyed through communication.

Some people seem to understand how to communicate without even trying. They are able to tailor their language, tone, and message to their audience, and get their point across quickly and succinctly, in a way that is heard. They are also able to pick up the messages sent to them rapidly, understanding both what is said, and what has not been said. This may seem effortless, but the chances are that they have spent plenty of time honing their skills.

How you share ideas on a daily basis determines how you make others feel. Great leaders empower others by making them feel important so they want to follow. You need to be informing, motivating, and leading people every time you speak.  Poor communication often leads to conflict. Oral and written communication proficiencies are consistently ranked in the top ten desirable skills

1. It empowers businesses

Effective communication does wonders for your business. It’s a game-changer: it transforms the way people work together, how they interact; it substantially decreases redundancies and the delayed offset of work-related conflicts. Effective communication is quintessential for decision-making. Feedback should be a key element in management decisions. Also, having vertical and horizontal communication channels that allow for feedback is very important to the success of organizations.

2. It helps build relationships and friendships

At the heart of every relationship, be it business or personal, is communication. I have heard so many times people saying, “He or she doesn’t know how to speak!” That doesn’t mean the person is dumb but it simply means they have poor communication skills. Just remember, communication is a two-way process, so take notice of other people’s verbal and nonverbal signals as well as your own.

By teaching yourself how to communicate more effectively, you’ll interact in a more constructive and productive manner, attracting people to you.

3. It helps you to self-improve

Professionally, if you are applying for jobs or looking for a promotion with your current employer, you will almost certainly need to demonstrate good communication skills. In your personal life, good communication skills can improve your personal relationships by helping you to understand others, and to be understood.

4. Influences how you learn

Communication skills have played an important part in your existing knowledge and beliefs. Good communication skills help you absorb information and express your ideas in a clear, concise, and meaningful way to other people.

5. Better communicators have better marriages

According to research, the number one cause of divorce is communication issues. The thing people struggle with the very most is effectively communicating with one another in a relationship. Those who can effectively communicate in a relationship see more success and likely have a stronger connection to their spouse. The importance of communication skills is essential in a healthy relationship.

6. Highly skilled communicators make more money

The most valued skills in the “contemporary job market” are communication skills. The best skill we can invest in within ourselves is strong communication. If we can communicate effectively, we will surely be able to land the job that will earn us the greatest amount of money.

7. Good communicators have higher self-esteem

Good communication skills make it easier for people to approach strangers, talk in large groups, and appear friendly. This can cause others to perceive you more positively.

8. Build A Successful Family Unit

Communicating role expectations is related to family satisfaction. Supporting, disclosing, negotiating, positively distorting, communicating needs, and demonstrating the understanding of other family members are just a few of the communicative behaviors crucial in creating a family that is healthy and happy.

9. Most important skill for job candidates

The most desirable quality in a new hire is effective communication skills. Employees who communicate effectively with colleagues, managers, and customers are always valuable assets to an organization and it is a skill that can often set people apart from their competition when applying for jobs.

10. Effective communication skills aid in being a good leader

The ability to communicate and accomplish goals, or the “voice” element, is key when you are a leader. Role models and mentors are people who can communicate clearly with others, they draw people towards them and create followers.

The communicatory ability to speak gives you the tools to participate in society. Students should learn to see reading and writing as a vital support for the most direct way that citizens can express themselves and participate in public life, such as public speakers. Public speaking is the primary medium for participation in public affairs and even today public dialogue or argument is, for most citizens, the chief means of participating in public life.


I would love to hear from you about your thoughts on the importance of effective communication and your experiences. So, please, leave a comment for me below and if you found this useful, please share it with others. 

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