- Life is more important than anything else we may seek or desire.
- Kindness is rare but one of the best gifts you can give anyone.
- If you need help, ask for it.
- The best formula for success is action.
- Planning well in advance will save you a lot of energy.
- No man is an island.
- If you believe, all things are possible.
- Whatever you work on is what will yield results.
- Your mind is your greatest asset, invest in it (I keep relearning this every year hahaha).
- We all have something to give.
- Acceptance is a remedy for most mental health problems.
- Emotional intelligence is a great asset
- If you don’t try you will never know the outcome.
- Don’t be afraid to dream.
- No matter how many times you fall, if you can only rise one more time than the times you fell, you will never be down.
- Most of our fears are only real in our minds.
- Nobody makes anybody complete. Make sure you are a whole person before you involve anybody in your life.
- Therapy works. If something is weighing you down, find someone to talk to about it.
If you need to speak to a professional counsellor, don’t forget to get in touch with Psyche and Beyond.
Website: https://psycheandbeyond.org/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/psycheandbeyond/
Whatsapp: +2761 853 0124
Email: psycheandbeyond@gmail.com / info@psycheandbeyond.org
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